About Russell: The Investment DOGtor
Name: Russell (a lovely troublemaker mutt), also known as "The Investment DOGtor"
Favorite food: Costco hotdogs, finely chopped. If not available anything with meat in it.
Favorite color: blue (always chewing on a blue plastic dog bone)
Play area: 42 acre off leash park, but jumps fences to out of bounds areas because 42 acres just isn't enough ... AND ... fences are for jumping.
Rescue dog? Kind of a Craigslist rescue.
Breed? No one knows exactly. Common guesses include King Charles spaniel, Aussie Shepard, and beagle mix. To name a few.
Strange phobia: Clear glass cups and clear plastic bottles.
Age: 3.5 years old
Starbucks Fan: Yes, puppicinos all day long!